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Five Keys to Finding the Right Call Center Services Provider – Inbound Customer Service and Order Taking

Mark Fichera
If you’re setting out to hire an outsourced call center services provider, you probably feel it’s a daunting task.  This is equally true if you’re seeking an inbound call center customer service company or an outbound call center that offers B2B lead generation, appointment setting and customer win-back.  For today, let’s look at critical success factors when selecting an inbound call center services company. 

Here’s a list of the key factors that should be kept in mind when conducting your search.  

1. Your Brand Is Their Brand

The call center company you select should be a partner, not just an outsourced vendor. Its agents should treat your customers with care and respect because, as a partner, the call center is an extension of your company.  You should feel confident that your customers are treated with courtesy, and that the call center's agents are knowledgeable about your products and can express your brand.  So when you’re considering a call center, call some of their client’s customer service phone numbers.  See how the outsourcer handles your call, if they represent the client effectively and give you a good sense of the client’s brand.

2. Program Customization

Many call centers use a program template – they’ll fit your program into a standard, one-size-fits-all approach. But a good call center tailors its services to your company's specific needs and situation.  The call center’s senior managers will work closely with you to understand your business goals and your brand, and make sure they are incorporated into the call center services strategy they provide you.  And they’ll encourage frequent meetings to update you on the progress of the program and any shifts in your business strategy or market messaging. 

3. Order Size Maximization

Every time a customer calls your call center, it's a great sales opportunity. You want call center agents who do more than just take orders. You want agents with the skills to expand customer orders – by suggesting complementary products and calling attention to items on sale. For that, you need call center services agents who have been trained in cross-selling and upselling sales techniques.  Ask your prospective call center about the advanced training its agents have been given.

4. Measurable Results

Require your call center services provider to deliver detailed, frequent reports and hold the call center to high performance standards. This means fast response time, low abandonment rates, high first-call resolution, shorter average talk time and improved average order size. And your call center should lower your business costs, because an optimized call center operates at maximum efficiency. Set up a metrics measurement system so you can track your call center’s performance, and expect continual performance improvement.

5. Premise-Based Agents

Make sure your outsourced call center has the kind of agent supervision that delivers high-quality results.  Beware of virtual call center agents working from home.  In almost every case, agents who work at a call center facility deliver higher level performance.  This is because the premise-based agent model ensures closer work performance monitoring, stronger teamwork, better reinforcement of lessons learned during training sessions and more knowledge sharing. 

Use these five essentials when selecting an outsourced call center for customer service, order processing, order taking and help desk.  You’ll maximize your likelihood of forming a fruitful and long-term call center partnership.

Mark Fichera, CEO
Call Center Services
Beverly, Massachusetts
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Call Center Services – Hitting the Re-Set Button III

Mark Fichera

From the frozen ground of the Great Recession, “green shoots” for the U.S. economy are emerging, and one of them is a new report issued by the Retail Industry leaders Association (RILA) and Auburn University College of Business. 

The study – based on a survey of retail supply chain executives – has significant implications for companies utilizing outsourced call center services.  The State of the Retail Supply Chain Report reveals a major shift in emphasis from cost containment to customer service.  Nearly 40 percent of the executives covered by the survey report they will focus on a balanced service and cost strategy for this year.

This is a departure from sentiments reported during the height of the recession, when the majority of managers emphasized cost cutting.  But in the new survey, a mere 12 percent said the primary focus will be on cost control.

To all of this we say that cost containment and customer service are mutually inclusive.  That’s the good news for retail executives: Outsourced call center services pursue both agendas simultaneously.

On the quality side, a customer service call center is staffed with specialists trained in the art and science of delivering a great customer experience, of expressing and articulating a company’s brand and (unlike many in-house call center workers) whose only function is delivering customer service: answering product questions, order taking and order processing, live chat and handling email inquiries.  That is, they are not distracted by other duties.

In addition, outsourced call centers constantly improve the customer service, cross-selling and upselling skills of their staffs, enabling clients to realize maximized average sales orders.

On the cost side, a customer service call center is a honed, optimized operation.  Call center services managers are adept at wringing maximized efficiencies from both the call center IT infrastructure and their customer service specialists who deliver call center services.

When companies utilize customer service outsourcing, they get a highly scalable resource that can quickly add, or reduce, the staff working on their programs – without the complexities of hiring or laying off employees.  Thus, staffing levels can be quickly adjusted to seasonal variations in call volume.

In addition, outsourced providers offer – or should offer – the latest in call center services phone systems and program tracking and reporting software, saving companies significant IT investment and maintenance costs.

So whether the priority is cutting business costs or improving the customer experience, a good outsourced call center services provider can help achieve both objectives.

Mark Fichera, CEO
Beverly, MA

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Call Center Services: Hitting the Re-set Button – Part II

Mark Fichera

Five Essentials to Expect for Excellence

A call center services provider processes customer orders, answers questions about your products and services, updates your customers about the status of their orders, and calls your prospects for B2B lead generation and sales appointment setting.  It sends email notifications to your customers confirming their orders, to let them know orders are in transit and to confirm their sales appointment.  And it handles credit card transactions and returned-item processing. 

You’re most likely aware of the full range of outsourced services that a call center services company provides… but here’s the key question: What’s the difference between an ordinary call center company and an exceptional one? 

Here are the five essentials to expect from the exceptional services provider:

1.    Your brand is their brand
A call center services provider should be a partner, not just an outsourced vendor. It treats your customers with care and respect because, as a partner, the customer service call center is an extension of your company. You should always feel confident that your customers are treated with courtesy, and that the outsourced call center service employs agents who are knowledgeable about your products and can express your brand. 

2.    Customization
Many call centers use a program template – they fit your program into a standard approach that does not allow for much flexibility. But a good call center tailors its services to your company’s specific needs and situation. Privately owned call centers usually offer the most personalized, customized programs. 

3.    Order size maximization
You understand that every time a customer calls your inbound call center, it’s a sales opportunity. The last thing you want are call center agents who are just take order takers. You want agents with the sales experience and people skills to expand customer orders – by suggesting complementary products and calling attention to sale items. Go with a call center that can up-sell and cross-sell in a way that makes the customer feel good about calling your company. And for that, you need call center agents that have been trained in advanced customer service and sales techniques.  So be sure your call center continually invests in its people.

4.    Measurable results
Demand detailed, frequent reports from your call center services company and hold them to demanding performance standards. This means fast response time, low abandonment rates, high first-call resolution, shorter average talk time and improved average order size. On the outbound call center side, this means reaching goals for warm leads turned over to you, sales appointments scheduled, win-back customer surveys completed and customer records updated.  And you should expect to lower your business costs, because an optimized call center should operate at maximum efficiency. From the outset, work closely with your call center to establish the program metrics that support your business goals.  

5.    Premise-based agents 

Before working with any call center outsourcing company, make sure you not only have the kind of customer service agents you need, but the kind of customer service agent supervision that delivers the results you want.  Beware of virtual agents working from home.  In nearly all cases, it's better to go with a call center whose agents work within a call center facility, which ensures premium quality assurance, work performance monitoring, teamwork and knowledge sharing. 

Use these five features as essentials, not just “extras,” when you’re selecting an outsourced call center services company, and you’re more likely to get the program you need.

Mark Fichera, CEO
Beverly, Massachusetts

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Handling the Angry – or Panicked – Customer Service Call

Mark Fichera
Throughout the call center year, we handle inbound customer service calls from people who have ordered last-minute gifts for friends and family.  The “big day” is approaching but the last-minute gift has not yet landed at the recipient’s doorstep – or it arrived too late. 

For call center services providers like us, this is when our customer service skills and value are put to the test.  

Angry or panicked customers come in many flavors: Some are gracious and understanding.  But more often they are frustrated or outright furious.  As the front-line representative of our order processing and order taking clients, it is our paramount duty to handle these calls in the most professional, caring and effective way so that the customer remains loyal to our client.

Here’s the procedure we’ve put in place at OnBrand24:

Job One: Listen closely to the customer complaint.  Then apologize for disruption to their gift-giving occasion and disappointment to the friend or loved one.  Reference the details of their complaint in your apology.  This lets people know you have heard them.

Further, it is very important to use the right language when dealing with an angry or panicked caller.  Here is phrasing that we have found to be most effective:

•    “I’m sending this to a manager for follow-up….” Never say “somebody will get back to you” – it’s too impersonal and vague, and likely to cause even more frustration.

•    “I’m sorry, but I can’t see all the details of your order from this office, I need one of my customer service colleagues to research this so we can get back to you with all the details of your shipment.” This is better than the less personable and detailed: “I’ll send out an inquiry for you…”

•    “I will have our team to get back to you in writing.  What is your email address…?” 

•    “Thank you for giving me the details of what happened.  Let me read this report back to you and make sure I’ve got everything right….” Then recap the details of the complaint and the person’s contact information. 

•    When an incorrect item was shipped, apologize for the mistake, then say: “I am escalating the problem to the warehouse manager and the customer service manager.  I will get back to you in writing as soon as possible.”

Granted, shipping problems never make customers happy.  But companies that hold themselves accountable for for shipping mistakes are much more likely to retain a customer’s loyalty.  And the language that call center services specialists use in handling those calls is critical to minimizing damage to the customer relationship. 

Mark Fichera, CEO
Beverly, MA
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Call Center Services: Hitting the Re-set Button – Part I

Mark Fichera
This week on a morning cable news show, an editor at Fortune magazine discussed why Federal Express is such a great company: “When you call FedEx, they pick up on the first ring.” 

Call them “pick-up artists.”  

Companies that are responsive to their customers, who always have staff ready to answer product questions, to place orders or provide shipment status perform a business function more significant than excellent call center services.

They convey overall company excellence.  

We human beings are very judgmental.  And we tend to make snap judgments.  We’re constantly evaluating everything and everyone around us, and the initial impression sets the tone for the ongoing assessment and ultimate verdict.  If a company doesn’t connect positively with a customer in the first minute of interaction, you may fail to form a positive or lasting connection at all.

Including high-quality call center services within your customer service strategy gives you best chance to make a great first impression.  If the goal is putting prospects on the path to long-term customer loyalty, then a friendly, knowledgeable and helpful customer service specialist who quickly answers incoming calls makes all the difference.

Want to know the best way NOT to make a great first impression?  Force customers to navigate a complicated and tedious IVR system.  Or ask them to leave a voice message.  Or – worst of all – tell them to “call back during normal business hours.”  They’re much more likely to call a competitor.

For companies that do these things, it’s time to hit the call center services re-set button.

At the OnBrand24, our outsourced customer service call center organization is staffed with the kind of “pick-up artists” who help create a climate of excellence for the companies we partner with.  We are 24/7 front-line soldiers for our clients’ brands, and our job is to create a positive buzz about our clients and their products.  

One way we do this is to constantly examine and assess the quality of our call center services.  Call center performance is highly quantifiable and measurable.  I tell our agents that “everything we do can be reduced to a number.”  One of the most important numbers we watch is “service response” – the amount of time it takes to answer calls.  We commit to the 80/30 rule: 80 percent of inbound calls are answered within 30 seconds.

And we usually do much better than that.

By the way, here’s Fortune’s Andy Serwer talking about FedEx on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

Mark Fichera, CEO
Call Center Services
Beverly, MA
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OnBrand24 Wins Gold Award from TopTenREVIEWS For Call Center Service

Mark Fichera

Top Call Center Service Solutions

OnBrand24 has won the Gold Award from TopTenREVIEWS, an independent reviewer of business services and products, for excellence in offering top call center service solutions.

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Customer Win-Back: Getting "CINOs" back on board

Mark Fichera

It’s a staple of conventional business wisdom that 60 percent of your growth should come from existing customers. 

But what about customers in name only (CINOs)?  We’re talking about companies and people that had been loyal, had renewed their PO’s year in and year out, reliably purchased your new products, bought ad-on services and warranties – until one day, you and your sales team noticed they had gone quiet.  No good-byes.  No "I've met someone else."  They had simply become inactive.  These are CINOs.

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Keys to Successful Appointment Setting Campaigns

Mark Fichera

Appointment setting – securing meetings with new prospective customers via cold calling – is one of the most challenging aspects in the entire repertoire of sales challenges.

But appointment setting is also one of the most valuable. In fact, it’s essential to keeping the sales pipeline fed and cared for. Filling the calendar with quality sales appointments is essential to healthy growth and to having a happy sales team.

What are the essentials for effective appointment setting?  Here are a few of the most important:

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OnBrand24 Call Center Services Reports Strong Start to 2014

Mark Fichera

OnBrand24, a leading call center services provider with outsourced call center facilities near Boston and in Savannah, GA, has begun 2014 with several new client wins and the expansion of its outbound B2B lead generation and inbound customer service call center staff.

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The Call Center Services Star Performer

Mark Fichera

When it comes to call center services representatives, there are traits that the star performers tend to have in common. 

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