One of the most enjoyable aspects of running a call center services company is meeting talented, driven and innovative entrepreneurs about to embark on new business ventures.
We encounter business visionaries on a regular basis. In many cases, it’s surprising no one else is already doing what these entrepreneurs are about to pursue. But that’s often the way it is with the best new ideas. In retrospect they seem almost, well, obvious.
Nevertheless, coming up with a great new idea is only the initial aspect of getting a start-up off the ground. There are host of other challenges: finding talented managers willing to throw in their lot with the new company, raising seed money from venture capitalists, hiring staff, renting office space and keeping operating costs down as the company attempts to take flight.
This is why an outsourced call center services company makes sense for a start-up. It can deliver the entire call center infrastructure – customer service specialists, B2B lead generation and appointment setting agents, telephone and technology infrastructure – with minimal complications and at minimal cost.
Start-ups typically don’t know the scale of the call center services program they will need because their idea is new and market uptake is yet to be seen. The new company might get off to a fast start, or it might need time to find its footing.
Either way, the outsourced call center can quickly scale resources according to the start-up’s call volume. If it’s high, we can add agents to the customer service and order taking team. If it’s low, we can keep the team small. This flexibility eliminates the problem of hiring too many or too few new employees to man the phones, answer emails, engage in live chat or call potential customers.
Most of the entrepreneurs we partner with like to meet with us frequently as their start-ups evolve. This is smart. Good call center programs are dynamic, particularly for new companies. After the initial market launch, their key marketing messages, unique sales propositions and product offerings are likely to change frequently.
They bring that real-world feedback to us so we can adjust their call center services programs accordingly and update our agents assigned to their teams. And we have feedback for them, based on what we hear from their customers.
There’s nothing more exciting than seeing an entrepreneur’s vision confirmed by a strong start in the real world – and then continue to grow. We share in their high hopes and enjoy being an important cog in their blooming success.
Mark Fichera, CEO
Call Center Services
Beverly, MA