Dedicated Agent Solutions

Premium Call Center Services | OnBrand24

OnBrand24 dedicated service models offer extensive and flexible call center solutions to clients with higher call volumes or clients that require specialized product and service knowledge. We'll build a dedicated team of customer service agents, specifically trained in your company’s culture, products and service expectations to effectively represent your brand values.

Our goal is to create a team of dedicated customer service agents who provide exceptional customer care, build brand loyalty and create an outstanding customer experience overall. Our comprehensive training regimen transforms our representatives into "brand ambassadors," acting as a direct extension of your operations, marketing and sales teams – as if they were your own staff. And because our dedicated team focuses strictly on your business, they quickly develop expertise on your customers and their needs.

As with all of our inbound service solutions, our customizable programs can be tailored to your specific call center outsourcing needs. Scalable staffing options ensure ideal resource allocation through any fluctuation in your service requirements. Whether it’s a spike in activity due to the holiday season, a marketing promotion, or product launch, we have the immediate resources to increase bandwidth to your program. When volume declines, we can decrease staffing resources without layoffs and damaged morale.

Likewise, our agile call center infrastructure has the capacity to handle increased call volume during your peak business periods – and you pay no penalty for unused resources when your call volume slows down.

Since 1981, OnBrand24 dedicated inbound call center services have been used by companies across a range of B2B and B2C industries, including e-commerce, retail and consumer goods, healthcare, hospitals, food and beverage, technology, business services (continuity, membership, loyalty rewards) and manufacturing. Check out our customer success studies for Virgin Pulse and Sappi Fine Paper.


Contact us today. Let's talk about how an dedicated call center agent team from OnBrand24 can solve some of your biggest customer service challenges.


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